Researchers rank it better!

Contest: style the PeerRank survey!

We are launching a contest to help style the survey that is at the core of the PeerRank survey.

The survey is composed of two parts:

  • the actual survey,
  • a platform around it handling authentication and user management.

At the end of this page is the information required to test each of them.

How to participate

The expected output of the contest should be a document in pdf format including a number of mockups for the relevant pages in the survey and the platform. Not all pages need to be included (and there is no minimum number). Submissions can be made between 16/12/2024 and 31/12/2024, included, by filling the form at the address (a Google account is required).

The graphic setting should make the survey inviting, while keeping it simple and linear. It should be in harmony (which does not need the same, although for instance it will include the same logo) with the project’s website, .

(The design will ultimately be implemented using the CSS technology, which is standard on the web: while no CSS contribution is required, participants can, if they like, describe any technical solution they see fit, by including them in the same pdf file as the mockups.)

We will select the best design among those submitted, and put a credit notice with the author(s) name(s) on the project website.

What is the PeerRank survey?

The PeerRank survey is part of a project aimed at collecting the opinion of researchers from all around the world about the prestige of scientific journals where they typically publish their research. We call it a “smart survey” because each researcher will see a different survey, being asked to rank different options, based on journals she/he published on, or in her/his area of expertise.

Accessing the survey

The survey can be tested at the address by inserting for instance the ORCID code 0000-0001-5343-7861 (leaving the “Emails” field empty). Notice that the first page (“Configuration page”) will not appear in the final survey. To test multiple times, use the “Private browsing” function of your browser.

The platform can be tested at the address with email address  “” and password “1Test!”. In the final version, clicking on the “Start new survey” button will lead a user to the actual survey.

Please contact me [AT] pietrobattiston [DOT] it (also in Italian) for any additional information (replace “[AT]” with “@” and “[DOT]” with “.”).